Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming

Unfortunately over the last month Taff and I have been unable to get together to progress our LR Campaign. Today though a friend from Plymouth pop in and wow did we have a day of gaming! I ran over the campaign ‘s outline and we started. You get 5pts if you win a battle andContinue reading “Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming”

1066 A Campaign-Part Two

So we threw a few dice and Taff as always was a luck so and so. Taff’s vikings roll a 4 and move up the blue arrow. My Saxons roll a 6. I roll a 2 while Taff rolls a 5 taking us to our first battle. After rolling the dice and Taff adding 3Continue reading “1066 A Campaign-Part Two”

1066 A Campaign-Part One

I promised myself that this year I would try to play a campaign. The one thing I have learnt is that I and the rest of our group have no stamina for anything too complex. I am therefore going to run a Snakes and Ladders style campaign. The campaign board Very simple, each player rollsContinue reading “1066 A Campaign-Part One”

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