Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming

Unfortunately over the last month Taff and I have been unable to get together to progress our LR Campaign. Today though a friend from Plymouth pop in and wow did we have a day of gaming! I ran over the campaign ‘s outline and we started. You get 5pts if you win a battle andContinue reading “Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming”

1066 A Campaign-Part One

I promised myself that this year I would try to play a campaign. The one thing I have learnt is that I and the rest of our group have no stamina for anything too complex. I am therefore going to run a Snakes and Ladders style campaign. The campaign board Very simple, each player rollsContinue reading “1066 A Campaign-Part One”

Another Unit for Scottish Wars 2

This is representing Sir Hugh de Cressingham’s retinue. He was the treasurer of Scotland and met his end at the Battle of Stirling in 1297. Not a liked man, it is reported that he his body was flayed and William Wallace used a length of skin to make a baldrick for his sword! The figuresContinue reading “Another Unit for Scottish Wars 2”

Rapid Fire Project – The Game

I was hoping to describe to you what I hoped was going to be a great game. Unfortunately due to a family emergency after two turns we had to abandon the game with little chance to all get together again until the new year. The forces British German Taff as the Germans had plotted allContinue reading “Rapid Fire Project – The Game”

Rapid Fire Project -A Good Start 2

Well in the first few weeks of retirement I have enjoyed painting more than normal. So much so that I have managed to finish enough to do a run through of the rules. Taff popped over in the afternoon to run through the rules as we have invited Nathan over in a couple of weeksContinue reading “Rapid Fire Project -A Good Start 2”

WW2 New Project

As stated I have always wanted a ww2 collection to be proud of having seen the beautiful pictures in the Rapid Fire rules. I will be using 20mm miniatures, mainly from Britannia Miniatures as I love the character of them and the odd 1/72 model kit. While I am confident on AWI, Napoleonic, SYW uniformsContinue reading “WW2 New Project”

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