Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming

Unfortunately over the last month Taff and I have been unable to get together to progress our LR Campaign. Today though a friend from Plymouth pop in and wow did we have a day of gaming! I ran over the campaign ‘s outline and we started. You get 5pts if you win a battle andContinue reading “Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming”

Feb Painting part 1

Thought I might show what I have been doing , this week I have finished apart basing the following. These 15mms have been in my collection for years. I recently saw an article on Big Base DBA and it awoke my interest but needed to see if I could still paint 15s. I think IContinue reading “Feb Painting part 1”

Lion Rampant – A refresher

As it has been a while since Taff or myself have played LR we through a game or two before we play the campaign would be great. Taff’s force comprised scouts, bows, berserkers, hird and Huscarl leader. With a few upgrades. I went for skirmishes, Greater Fyrd, select Fyrd one being veterans and Huscarl leader.Continue reading “Lion Rampant – A refresher”

Another Unit for Scottish Wars 2

This is representing Sir Hugh de Cressingham’s retinue. He was the treasurer of Scotland and met his end at the Battle of Stirling in 1297. Not a liked man, it is reported that he his body was flayed and William Wallace used a length of skin to make a baldrick for his sword! The figuresContinue reading “Another Unit for Scottish Wars 2”

Another Unit for Scottish Wars

Over the last week having finished the WW2 I needed for the first game, I decided to finish a unit of knights for my English army that was half done. I have based each unit on a 125 x 100mm bases. I have left a space at the back to allow the stats to beContinue reading “Another Unit for Scottish Wars”

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