Lion Rampant – A great day of Gaming 2

Today though a friend from Plymouth popped in and wow did we have a day of gaming!

We had started a Dark Age campaign a few months back which we conclude earlier but decided to play it again with a few changes.

Using Lion Rampant we would both start with 15 point armies.

Then when we get to a battle we randomly select a scenario from 1 hour wargames. This sets a better challenge than just a fight to the death approach. The engagement outcome will give different experience points to add to your force. We also represented each unit with a single base of figures.

This is the campaign map!

Over the course of the day we managed 2 games and lunch. Oh what a perfect day..

First battle and Brian in blue as vikings randomly generated scenario no.1

Scenario 1 was a straightforward fight.

Lone saxon skirmishers advance!
Lots of damage being inflicted

Close run thing, but in the end my Saxons carried the day. So I go into next battle with20 points against Brian’s 16

Saxons in red select the scenario

This scenario set the challenge of both sides having objectives in their own and enemy territory. I had a crossroads while Brian had a hill. Game lasted a max of 15 turns. Failure to hold both at game end would be a draw.

As choosing player I selected the crossroads side and quickly advanced, why?

well Brian had split his forces in to two. One coming on near the road and the other holding the hill. I hoped to advance in superior numbers and defeat his larger force then move on to his smaller force. I also hoped that being out of command range his smaller force may result in a number of failed actions,  which it did.

Brian tries bringing units off the hill
Brian’s forces retire to hopefully hold the hill for the remaining 7 turns for a draw!
Saxons close in, without barely a scratch
Brian’s last unit is forced off the hill.

Game 2 was a disaster for Brian. Never winning initiative and only inflicting 1 casualty on my whole force. The God of dice rolling was not on his side.

We called a day but have got the next scenario generated. I have 25 pt force and Brian has 17 points.

Best day’s fun in years and all down to the campaign. So simple but adds so much.

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